Monitoring your network is a good strategy to eliminate or prevent many problems and malicious attacks. There are plenty of tools out there to monitor networks, but when it comes to specialization you will not find so many. Therefore, Commview is a good choice.
Commview is a network monitoring tool that comes with a powerful analyzer and many other features. You can install this tool in almost any Windows OS, from 2000 to Windows 7, and it works seamlessly with any wired or wireless Ethernet, token ring network card, or standard dial-up adaptor.
The tool’s capturing functionality gives you useful information regarding which IP address is talking to what IP address using what type of protocol. Currently, Commview supports 70 known protocols. You can easily save, filter, import and export captured packets for future reference or analysis.
Compared to the earlier version, this version of Commview comes bundled with little changes here and there, such as Windows 7 support. When used with VoIP analysis, module RAM use has been reduced significantly in this version. Its new adjustable jitter buffer gives you a more realistic simulation of real-life VoIP phone sound quality. The “Find” option can now easily do a Unicode search with UTF-8 or UTF-16. Finally, the decoder tree includes more flexible options.
Monitor the devices attached to your system and control its data flow.
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